Shop for an American Pointer

Shop for an American Pointer

When searching for a American pointer dog it is important to research bloodlines, kennels, and breeders and identify the ones that have a proven record of producing the kind of dog you have in mind.  When it comes to actually picking your pup, try to spend as much time with the litter as possible.

Thanks to his & hers sporting dog heritage, the American pointers run hard and fast and is a versatile field dog and exceptional family dog breed.  He/She excels in many arenas, from the field to the show ring,  agility to obedience.  Energetic and fun-loving, he and she are well-suited to active homes where they’ll be a member of the family.  You want a pup that is friendly, outgoing, and playful.

Since there are many ages and levels of dogs at our kennels, you need to step back and ask yourself some questions:  Do I want a pup or a matured dog? Do I want an American pointer to keep the family and kids busy and have a fun time? Do I want a house dog or an outside dog?  Do I want a small dog, a large dog, or something in-between?  Do I intend to hunt waterfowl, upland birds, or a combination of both?  Will I be better served by an American pointer , a flushing breed, or a retrieving breed?

Barillà Kennels Canada offers American pointers dog with National Championship bloodlines.  The American pointers are bred and whelped by Santo Barillà at Barilla Kennels Canada in Metcalfe, ON.   Santo’s knowledge about breeding championship bloodlines coupled with his years of breeding experience has enabled him to breed various bloodlines of American pointers over the years and they have been sold specifically in the North American continent.

We sell American pointers at various times through out the year please contact us 613-608-0990 if you are interested in shopping for an American Pointer and we will let you know what we have available.

American Pointer Characteristics

Pointers are serious hunting dog possessing stamina, courage, and the desire to go.  The American pointers are bred primarily for sport, hunting and competitions.  They give the impression of compact power and agile grace, they are very intelligent, love to run in large fields and have a very muscular body.  Their short coat can be multiple colours: brown, light yellow, black and mostly white with spots.

Today, American pointer are known as the most impressive of all bird hunting dogs.  They are prized for their speed, and ability to hunt all day in the field.

Their competitive nature also makes them a natural at dog sports such as field trials, and horse back trials. 

These are dogs who loves to perform in public, are very affectionate with everyone from strangers to children and the elderly.   

Although they are focused to run big in fields they are full of love and affection at home.

They love people and are an excellent candidate as a family companion as well.

We hope you learned more about American pointers here today and hope to speak with you soon.


Personality: Even-tempered, alert, hardworking, and loyal, a peerless hunting partner.  Their energy levels are very high, they are energetic, they have excellent endurance, and pointers need serious exercise and they ask for it.  Training your pointer multiple times per week at least one 30 minute per day is mandatory for their own mental and physical health benefits.  They are very good with children and are very tender and loving.   They are very affectionate dogs.  Pointers get along with all dogs they are not aggressive.  They shed very little their short hair falls out in the summer and it’s barely noticeable.  They do not require much grooming although a nice shampoo bath helps their coat stay clean and they should have their teeth brushed three times per week for dental health and to prevent deterioration of their teeth.  Their training capabilities are excellent.  They absorb training very well and need training repeatedly to stay sharp and keep things fresh in their mind.  American pointer males measure 25-28 inches in height and females are 23-26 inches typically.  Their weight is 40lbs-55lbs for males and 35lbs-45lbs for females. The life expectancy for pointers are 12-17 years.

Vento is a six month old Barilla Pointer going through training. This photo was taken on May 10th 2020.